Our Tenant Advisory Services

Tenant Advisory

Are you looking for the perfect workspace for your business? Your place of work isn’t just an address; it is the cornerstone of your success. At Eastview Advisory, we understand the significance of this real estate journey, and we’re here to secure the best property for you.

Commercial Tenant Advisory Services Australia.

Finding a suitable workspace to rent is one of the most critical decisions for a business. It influences your business’s growth, employee well-being, and the bottom line. That’s where our expertise in tenant advisory services comes into play.

Our advisors are adept at navigating the local real estate market. They are skilled negotiators who ensure lease transactions are handled precisely and in your favour.
Most importantly, we are staunch advocates for you.

We work for you, not for landlords. That means our advice is independent, impartial, and focused purely on what is best for your business.

How Our Tenant Advisory Services Can Help You

Comprehensive Tenant Advisory Services to help you secure the ideal workspace.

Navigating the complex world of commercial real estate can be overwhelming, but our market research and benchmarking services are here to the rescue.

Our team of experts study the market trends, property values, and potential locations to ensure that every option presented to you is a potential perfect fit. We take the guesswork out of the equation, providing data-driven insights that empower you to make informed decisions.

In a nutshell, we’re like matchmakers for your business and the right workspace. Our experienced team begins by understanding your unique needs and business goals. Are you growing, consolidating, or simply in search of a change? We will evaluate your requirements and ensure the space we find is tailored to accommodate you.

Site identification is more than just location; it’s about finding the spot that aligns with your business operations. Our rigorous evaluation process considers factors like accessibility, amenities, and cost-efficiency. We also think about workplace accommodations because your employees’ well-being matters.

This is where we go into bat for you, ensuring that your lease agreement isn’t just a formality but a tailored solution that benefits your business. We are all about securing the most favourable terms. In the past, we have successfully capped our clients’ legal fees during lease negotiations, saving them valuable resources.

But, it doesn’t stop there. We have also helped clients secure additional perks like brand-new carpeting or even a month of free rent as part of their lease agreements. Negotiation services are not just about signing on the dotted line; they are about ensuring every single line in your lease agreement works for you.

Strategic lease structuring is key for flexibility in commercial real estate agreements. Our tenant representatives guide businesses to craft leases that support our clients’ long-term business strategies.

We collaborate closely with our clients to decide on the best lease length for their growth plans while protecting their financial interests. Plus, we recommend including key clauses for flexibility, like rights to assign the lease or negotiate early exits if the business needs a change. Our proactive approach to lease structuring helps businesses adjust to market shifts while keeping operations steady.

Understanding both landlords and tenants is crucial for navigating their dynamics. As tenant representatives, we act as strategic advisors, bridging the gap between them to achieve win-win outcomes.

We encourage open communication and transparent negotiations to build positive landlord-tenant relationships. Our goal is to ensure our clients’ interests are well-represented throughout the leasing process – from the first talks to signing and beyond. Drawing on our expertise and industry knowledge, we help prevent conflicts and optimise lease agreements that support our clients’ business goals.

Our Types

Mixed Use


These office properties are used for commercial purposes, such as businesses, professional services, and government agencies. They can be either single-tenant or multi-tenant.



Commercial and industrial properties are buildings that are used for manufacturing, warehousing, or distribution. Industrial properties can be either light industrial (such as warehousing) or heavy industrial (such as manufacturing).



From shopping centres, freestanding buildings or enclosed properties - we offer advice for retail commercial property.

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